We Gave it the

Ol’ College Try!





Hollow High

School, The


New York


(Photo credit:
hudsonind/sleepy-hollow-high-school )

Now these words,

once asked by a

graduate of SHHS:

Whenever I go

to Washington

Square in Green-

wich Village,

why is it that I

am referred to

asThe Square’?”



Choose either link for

a particular Class year

(same info, backup site).


Visit the Reunion Page


Class of 1970

Class of 1971


Class of 1972

Class of 1973


Class of 1974

Class of 1975_____Class of 1975


Class of 1976_____Class of 1976

Class of 1977_____Class of 1977


Class of 1978_____Class of 1978

Class of 1979_____Class of 1979


Classes of the 1980s

Classes of the 1990s


Visit the Memorial Page

(Due to the inherent

limitations–often expe-

rienced, during such

research–only deceased

1970 graduates are me-

morialized here by our

consortium, at present.)


Note this: the Class of ’77

maintains its own memo-

rial on Facebook: HERE

(for Facebook members,

as well as non-members).


Why embedded songs?

Hey Jerry!

What’s the Story?


(Next SHHS Area)_____(Next SHHS Area)
